Rabu, 26 Juni 2013
Senin, 24 Juni 2013
#JRL 2013
Selama kurun waktu 6 tahun terakhir, hampir tidak ada festival musik yang saya lewatkan. Maklum saja, profesi saya sebagai pewarta foto menuntut saya untuk selalu hadir dan mengabadikan hingar-bingar pagelaran-pagelaran musik di tanah air. Tapi saya tidak pernah bisa benar-benar menikmati sajian-sajian musik itu. Karena setelah maksimal 3 lagu yang dimainkan, saya harus bergegas pergi menuju panggung berikut untuk memotret musisi lain.
Kemarin, atas kemurahan hati seorang kawan, saya pun mendapatkan tiket untuk menonton Java Rocking Land di Ancol. Tapi tujuan saya bukanlah bekerja. Saya sudah meninggalkan profesi saya sebagai pewarta foto semenjak 2 tahun yang lalu. Kali ini, dengan berbekal sebuah kamera renta saya benar-benar 'bertamasya' menikmati nada dan irama serta terlarut dalam suasana di bawah kerlap-kerlip lampu panggung.
Selasa, 04 Juni 2013
They said, that humans are the most highest rank of all other creatures on earth.
Human with all of their superiority can do anything and act upon all things in this earth.
The relationship between humans and animals has been going on since a long lone time. Besides the 'primitive' relationship as the use of animals to be both energy consumption and meat, employer-pets, etc., animals are often used as a symbol of social status in life or human.
Animals are hunted, killed on the basis of hobbies and preferences, and preserved to be a killer display of a symbol of superiority.
This project tries to give physically respond and 'tribute' to the animals that have been killed and preserved to become a symbol of social status in humans.
* This is my artwork for Harpers Bazaar 13th Anniversary Edition
Human with all of their superiority can do anything and act upon all things in this earth.
The relationship between humans and animals has been going on since a long lone time. Besides the 'primitive' relationship as the use of animals to be both energy consumption and meat, employer-pets, etc., animals are often used as a symbol of social status in life or human.
Animals are hunted, killed on the basis of hobbies and preferences, and preserved to be a killer display of a symbol of superiority.
This project tries to give physically respond and 'tribute' to the animals that have been killed and preserved to become a symbol of social status in humans.
* This is my artwork for Harpers Bazaar 13th Anniversary Edition